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The Dictionary is OFFLINE and does not need the internet The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English-Estonian Dictionary. Raamatutuba - Raamatupood » Õppematerjalid, käsiraamatud » Sõnaraamatud » Oxfordi-Dudeni Inglise-Eesti piltsõnaraamat. The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English-Estonian Dictionary. Laos.
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Eesti - inglise - eesti. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started. Home 5th 6th 7th 9th 10th 11th 12th Adults Listening Word formation 10th grade exam National Exam CAE Eesti-Inglise-Eesti sõnaraamat « eesti inglise sõnastik English-Estonian Dictionary - Inglise-Eesti sõnastik (Klikid: 2333; Kommentaare: 0; Lisatud: Oct 26, 2012, eesti inglise sõnastik) Eesti - Inglise - Eesti sõnaraamat. Soovid, ettepanekud, küsimused, probleemid sõnaraamatuga seoses, sest ainult tänu Teie vastukajale saame arendada pakutavat teenust. English-Estonian Dictionary. This is the English-Estonian dictionary with more than English 17000 words with translations in Estonian.
av Ivika Arumäe Riina Kask (Bok) 2001, Estniska, För vuxna. Ämne: Estniska, Finsk-ugriska språk, This is English - Estonian and Estonian - English Dictionary (Eesti-Inglise-Eesti sõnaraamat), containing 173000 translation articles. The Dictionary is OFFLINE This is English - Estonian and Estonian - English dictionary; Inglise - Eesti ja Eesti - Inglise Sõnaraamat.
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Application features: - Favorites. - History. - Various settings like color themes. This application contains advertising.
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this software is provided by the author `as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. [IES] Inglise-eesti masintõlkesõnastik. Päring: osas Sõnu inglise eesti sõnastikus on 188 572. Eesti suurim tasuta online sõnaraamat.
This is an Estonian-English and English-Estonian Dictionary(Eesti-inglise sõnaraamat) This new dictionary is more than just a dictionary. You can search words, from which you can also listen to the
add a word or update dictionary. this software is provided by the author `as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
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Tallinn : Koolibri, [1992] 1181 p. 2nd ed. Hardcover, in good condition. Large folio . Add a word or update dictionary. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, Sep 23, 2019 These are all dictionaries or databases - good reference materials, not Inglise- eesti masintõlkesõnastik machine translation dictionary Inglise-eesti sõnaraamat = English-Estonian dictionary / Johannes Silvet.
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Eesti-Vene sõnastik (EE-RU) 63 825 märksõna. VÄIKE KUDUMISSÕNASTIK INGLISE-EESTI, EESTI-INGLISE. CONCISE KNITTING DICTIONARY [KAIT LUBJA, ANU PINK] Rahva Raamatust. Kohaletoimetamine alates 24h ja tasuta. Liiv, Suliko koostaja (1999).
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5 dets. 2014 English Estonian best dictionary translate - Inglise Eesti parim sõnastik tõlge, User will be satisfied with this Estonian - English dictionary Dictionary English Estonian | Sõnaraamat Inglise Eesti @ Glosbe. 2 likes. English - Estonian dictionary online at Glosbe. Browse 18055 phrases and Concise Knitting Dictionary / English-Estonian, Estonian-English E-raamat.
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Inglise-eesti sõnaraamat: English-Estonian dictionary. Tallinn: TEA. Farbregd, Turid et al. 1998.
The dictionary works offline, search is very fast. Dictionary database will be downloaded when you run the application the first time. Application features: - Favorites.